Tax Filing Package: 1040/1040NR $399
Non active company (no income / expenses)
$0 penalty guaranteed!
Additional fees:
Active company: $199
If you have income / expenses we need to file your balance sheet and income statement.*Bookkeeping service is NOT included. We do offer bookkeeping services, please check our pricing page.
Form 5472: $99
Optional services:
- IRS Filing and proof of filing $49
(we will send your tax returns to the IRS and email you proof of filing which you keep for your recoerds to avoid $25,000 penalties)
Forms included:
✓ Form 1040/1040NR(Preparation and Filing)
✓ All related statements and schedules (Preparation and Filing)
✓ 100% accuracy
✓ No penalty guarantee
✓ Review by tax expert
✓ Life time support
✓ Online forms storage
✓ Digital e-Signature
✓ Live chat support
✓ Email support
Sole Proprietor Complete Tax Filing Package
What happens after checkout?
After you checkout, we will send you 2 emails:
1. Order confirmation- we ask you to review all the order data and confirm it
2. Request for all the information we need, including: owners information, financials (if needed) and more.
At that point you can change any item on your order